Selected Talks and Posters

Invited Talks

  1. Physics-informed Machine Learning for Control and Simulation Problems,
    - MAE Seminar Series, University of California Davis, Jan 2021.

  2. Physics-informed Machine Learning to Infer Dynamics from Data,
    - Math Biology Seminar, University of Iowa, Mar 2021.
    - AI/Materials Working Group Meeting, NIST, May 2020.

  3. Bio-inspiration, Dynamics, and Collective Autonomy,
    - Intel Labs, Mar 2018
    - United Technologies Research Center, Feb 2018.
    - Siemens Corporate Technology, Feb 2018.

  4. Synchronization in Neuronal Oscillator Networks, [Slides]
    Workshop on Control and Observability of Network Dynamics,
    Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Apr 2016.

  5. Data Assimilation: Optimal Fitting, Cross-Validation, and Feedback Laws, [Slides]
    Workshop on Geometry of Collective Behavior: Control, Dynamics and Reconstruction,
    53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec 2014.

  6. Data Smoothing via Optimal Control,
    CCSP Seminar Series, University of Maryland, Dec 2014.

  7. Bio-inspired Algorithms for Collective Motion,
    ECEGSA Seminar Series, University of Maryland, Nov 2014.

  8. Reconstruction, Analysis and Synthesis of Collective Motion,
    - Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Oct 2014.
    - Applied Math Lab, Harvard University, Sep 2014.

  9. Control Theoretic Data Smoothing,
    Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Jan 2014.

  10. Trajectory Reconstruction as an Optimal Control Problem,
    ECEGSA Seminar Series, University of Maryland, Oct 2012.

Peer-reviewed Conference Abstracts

  1. Dynamics and synchronization patterns in oscillator networks with heterogeneous inputs,
    E. N. Davison, Z. Aminzare, B. Dey, N. E. Leonard,
    APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Mar 2018.

  2. Feedback controlled bifurcation of evolutionary dynamics with generalized fitness, [Poster]
    B. Dey, A. Franci, K. Özcimder, N. E. Leonard,
    Dynamics Days 2018, Denver, CO, Jan 2018.

  3. Controllability in a Network of Linear Dynamical Systems, [Talk Slides]
    B. Dey, E. N. Davison N. E. Leonard,
    SIAM Workshop on Network Science (NS17), Pittsburgh, PA, July 2017.

  4. Diminishing returns with size for parallel computation capacity of neural architectures,
    G. Petri, S. Musslick, K. Özcimder, B. Dey, N. K. Ahmed and J. D. Cohen,
    International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci), Indianapolis, IN, June 2017.

  5. Dynamics of Large Networks of FitzHugh-Nagumo Neuronal Models with Heterogeneous Inputs,
    E. N. Davison, B. Dey, Z. Aminzare, N. E. Leonard,
    SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems (DS17), Snowbird, UT, May 2017.

  6. Using Evolutionary Dynamics to Model Structured Improvisational Dance,
    K. Özcimder, B. Dey, A. Franci, R. J. Lazier, D. Trueman, N. E. Leonard,
    SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems (DS17), Snowbird, UT, May 2017.

  7. Multitasking capacity versus efficiency of representation in neural network architectures,
    S. Musslick, B. Dey, K. Özcimder, M. M. A. Patwary, P. Krieger, T. L. Willke, J. D. Cohen,
    Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SfN), San Diego, CA, Nov 2016.

  8. Parallel processing capability versus efficiency of representation in neural networks, [Extended Abstract]
    S. Musslick, B. Dey, K. Özcimder, M. M. A. Patwary, T. L. Willke, J. D. Cohen,
    16th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, Philadelphia, PA, Aug 2016.

  9. Synchronization in neuronal oscillator networks with input heterogeneity and arbitrary network structure,
    E. N. Davison, B. Dey, N. E. Leonard,
    APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Mar 2016.

  10. Subriemannian Smoothing and Data Assimilation in Collective Behavior,
    P. S. Krishnaprasad, B. Dey,
    SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT11), Baltimore, MD, July 2011.


  1. Bio-inspiration, Dynamics, and Collective Autonomy, [Poster]
    Meet the Faculty Candidate Poster Session at CDC 2017,
    Melbourne, Australia, Dec 2017.

  2. Synchronization and Related Phenomena in Networks of Diffusively-Coupled Fitzhugh-Nagumo Oscillators, [Poster]
    with Elizabeth N. Davison, Zahra Aminzare and Naomi Ehrich Leonard
    Workshop on Brain Dynamics and Neurocontrol Engineering,
    Washington University in St. Louis, St Louis, MO, June 2017.

  3. Heterogeneity and Synchronization of Coupled Neuronal Networks, [Poster]
    with Elizabeth N. Davison and Naomi Ehrich Leonard
    Princeton Bioengineering Day,
    Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, Oct 2015.

  4. Collectives in a Test-bed, [Poster]
    with Kevin S. Galloway and Udit Halder
    ISR's 30th Anniversary Celebration,
    University of Maryland, College Park, MD, May 2015.

  5. Optimal Control for Reconstruction, [Poster]
    with P. S. Krishnaprasad
    ISR's 30th Anniversary Celebration,
    University of Maryland, College Park, MD, May 2015.

  6. Control Theoretic Tool for Trajectory Reconstruction, [Poster]
    Conference on Dynamics of Prey Capture and Escape,
    Janelia Farm Research Campus, HHMI, Ashburn, VA, Mar 2013.

  7. Energy-Based Control of a Flexible Beam, [Poster]
    ECE Research Review Day,
    University of Maryland, College Park, MD, Oct 2009.